Immich is an open-source self-hosted backup solution for the videos and photos. Immich Distribution will ship the same software, but with limited customization. The main focus is ease of use, a simple snap install immich-distribution
on a publicly available server should yield a fully working Immich installation. Extra tools are included, they should be non-intrusive and you can ignore them if you prefer.
Refresh sytem packages:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install snapd
Optionally, you can check if there is a new version of the snapd application:
sudo snap refresh
To install Immich execute the following command:
sudo snap install immich-distribution
# Check current configuration
snap get immich-distribution
root@immich:~# snap get immich-distribution
Key Value
database-password IaYYBdvNyJlhNSlJcJMt
haproxy-http-bind *:80
haproxy-https-bind *:443
https-enabled true
typesense-key key
# Change port
sudo snap set immich-distribution haproxy-https-bind=*:442
Access Immich
To access to the Immich application you need to type in your browser http://server_ip_adress